Senate Democrats Confirm VP Harris’ Supposed Flip-Flops are Fake
Senator Britt leads effort to force Democrats to expose Vice President Harris’ radical policy positions
WASHINGTON, D.C., September 18, 2024 – U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Ala.) today led her colleagues in asking the Senate to pass four critical pieces of legislation. By blocking each bill, Democrats revealed that they continue to defend the same radical policy positions that Vice President Harris is attempting to run from.
The commonsense bills blocked by Senate Democrats included a border security bill led by Senator Britt – the WALL Act.

“It is incredibly disappointing to see Senate Democrats block these commonsense bills that put the safety, security, and prosperity of American families first,” said Senator Britt. “Today, they rallied around the radical policy positions their party’s leader claims she no longer holds. It’s crystal clear that Vice President Harris’ flip-flops are fake.”
“. . . What we’ve seen is Kamala Harris has said that she is for a border wall. She has said she is for fracking. She has said that she’s for cracking down on illegal border crossings all during her short campaign tenure. But the truth is, is all of those things were just blocked. It’s clear that her flip-flops aren’t real, and that there’s much more to dig into and discuss as this campaign moves forward,” said Senator Britt as she closed out the effort to seek unanimous consent.
The WALL Act would appropriate funds to complete building the wall on the southern border. The legislation would pay for this expenditure by eliminating the taxpayer funded entitlement benefits and tax credits that illegal aliens are using and fining those making illegal entry into the United States.
Three other bills were also blocked from consideration by Senate Democrats. Together, the pieces of legislation would have advanced critical policy objectives to address our nation’s crisis at the southern border, safeguard domestic energy production, and ensure vulnerable infants are protected.
Given Vice President Kamala Harris’ claims she has starkly changed major policy positions in recent weeks, Senator Britt and Senate Republicans gave Senate Democrats an opportunity to support bills that align with her new campaign season stances.
Senator Britt’s motion to pass the WALL Act was joined by:
- Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) moved to pass the Protecting American Energy Production Act, which prohibits the President from declaring a moratorium on the use of hydraulic fracturing unless Congress authorizes the moratorium.
- Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) moved to pass the Stopping Border Surges Act, which would address loopholes in our immigration system that encourage vulnerable immigrant populations to take dangerous, illegal paths of entry into the United States. Senator Britt is a cosponsor of this legislation.
- Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) moved to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act, which would protect infants who survive an attempted abortion to ensure they receive the same care as any other newborn. Senator Britt is a cosponsor of this legislation.
Senator Britt was also scheduled to move for the passage of the Laken Riley Act today, but Democrats came to the floor to take up time while voicing opposition to fracking and border security measures.
“Senate Democrats talked down the clock. They’re running from their unpopular opposition to the Laken Riley Act just like Vice President Harris is running from her extreme record. They’re afraid to expose that the very policies Vice President Harris has held—and the actions of her administration—are actively leading to tragedy after tragedy. I will move for passage of the Laken Riley Act in the coming days,” said Senator Britt.
To see Senator Britt’s remarks about the WALL Act, click HERE. Select excerpts are below:
“This legislation is common sense and with a clear aim. It would appropriate the funding needed to finish actually building a barrier on our southern border. And it would accomplish that without raising taxes and without adding to the national debt.”
“. . .Today, we’re giving Senate Democrats a very clear choice. . . Do they support building a border wall, or will they block building a border wall? Do they want to spend taxpayer funds on keeping American citizens and legal residents safe, or do they want to keep those taxpayer funds funding illegal border crossers? Where does Vice President [Harris’] party stand on these very different policy positions?”
“When we look at how Vice President Harris is running, it’s obviously very different than the way she served. If you look back in 2020, Vice President Harris said, and I quote, ‘Trump’s border wall is a complete waste of taxpayer money and won’t make us any safer.’ I’m wondering if she’ll put a disclaimer that says that underneath her commercials (which feature the border wall)… “
“She said as a Senator that she vowed to block any funding for the border wall and urged her colleagues to reject any funding for the border wall, which is actually exactly what they continue to do, and you saw them do here today. Here’s the deal, you can’t have it both ways. Kamala Harris either wants to secure our border, which she’s had ample time to do, building barriers that help us keep Americans safe, or she doesn’t, which is what we’ve seen throughout her tenure both in the Senate and as Vice President.”
“What we saw here today [is] that her newfound ‘support’ of a border wall is not supported by her Democratic colleagues here in the Senate. I look forward to hearing more about what we’ve seen on the campaign trail versus, in actuality, where she stands.”