February 9, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 7, 2023 – Senator Katie Britt (R-Ala.) released a video message responding to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address.

The video can be viewed here and is also available to download for media usage here.

Transcript as follows:

Good evening, I’m Katie Britt, and I have the honor of serving the great state of Alabama in the United States Senate.

Watching President Biden’s State of the Union address, I was listening to his remarks not just as a Senator, but as a mom of two school-aged kids.

Tonight, I’m disappointed to say that the perspective of Alabama parents and families was missing.

The reality of what moms and dads across our state and nation are facing is a stark difference from what we heard tonight from the President.

Parents and families are sitting around the kitchen table, worrying about how they’re going to make ends meet in the face of crushing inflation.

They’re worried about the price of groceries, from eggs and milk to flour and chicken.

They’re worried about the wave of supply chain shortages that have affected their children recently, that’s everything from baby formula to children’s Tylenol.

I don’t have to guess about what parents are facing under this Administration – I’m living it every day, and I’m hearing from my fellow moms and dads about their own unique experiences.

Whether it’s from my walking group at 5:15 in the mornings, or at the kids’ basketball games or volleyball games, parents are telling me ‘enough is enough.’

And I couldn’t agree more.

Parents want to stop the wasteful spending that continues to pour fuel on this fire.


We want our children to be educated, not indoctrinated.

We want our children to live in safe and strong communities.

And we want our state and our nation to be places where our children want to raise their children long into the future.

There is no doubt that here in Alabama and across America, parents have gotten off the sidelines. We’ve stepped up to fight for what we believe in.

I truly believe that a new generation of parents are looking across America, and we’re not recognizing the country we grew up in — and that wasn’t so long ago.

We’re hungry for change. But we also know that we need to be the change we want to see.

We have far too many politicians in Washington who only want to gripe about problems, while doing nothing to solve them.

That’s why Alabama has sent a mom to the U.S. Senate: to actually get things done.

There is no doubt that one of our biggest challenges our nation faces is the unprecedented humanitarian and national security crisis at the border.

I’ve visited the border twice now in my first month in office.

I listened and learned, visiting with the brave Border Patrol agents, law enforcement officers, survivors of human trafficking, and military personnel who are confronting this disaster on a daily basis.

What I can tell you is, now, it’s time for action.

This week, I’ll be introducing a package of bills to seal and secure the border, and to keep hardworking American families safe.

My Senate Republican colleagues and I are fighting every day for faith, family, and freedom.

There’s no doubt that this issue should be a bipartisan one – the solutions, certainly, but even acknowledging that there’s a problem.

President Biden refused to own the border crisis in tonight’s State of the Union, just as he’s done his entire presidency.

I urge my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to step up and join us in advancing commonsense solutions to secure the border.


This is about the safety and wellbeing of our children, and the opportunity for them to live their American Dream.

Parents and families know best. And the State of our Union is strong when parents and families are strong.

It’s time for the President, and for Congress, to listen, to learn, and then to take real action.

Together, we can – and we must – build a bright future for generations to come.

So, please join me in praying for our nation. It is certainly an honor to serve you.

Thank you, and God bless!


