U.S. Senator Katie Britt: We Must Stand with Israel

October 8, 2023

MONTGOMERY, Ala., October 7, 2023 – U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Ala.) today released the following statement regarding the unprecedented assault on Israel by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists:

“Alongside countless others across our nation, my family and I are praying for the people of Israel today. The barrage of barbaric terrorist attacks unleashed on Israel by ground, sea, and air is truly unprecedented in our time. I join my fellow Alabamians and Americans in condemning this heinous assault by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists on innocent Israeli children, women, and men. Alabama and the United States stands with Israel – our greatest ally, friend, and partner.

“Israel has every right to defend itself and respond to these vicious terrorist attacks with overwhelming force.

“What the world is watching today is both tragic and foreseeable. Strength deters war, while weakness invites it. The Biden Administration since January 2021 has consistently empowered and enabled our greatest adversaries, including Iran – Israel’s sworn enemy.  

“Make no mistake—the people of Israel are paying the devastating price for President Biden’s $6 billion ransom payment to Iran. That disastrous deal was announced by the Administration on the anniversary of 9/11, and now Israel is facing its own 9/11 at the hands of Iranian proxies. The Biden Administration’s appeasement put blood in the water, and now it has more blood on its hands.

“Peace will only come through strength. In the face of growing hostile aggression, it is past time for this Administration to hold our adversaries accountable. The stability of the region and world, the security of our own homeland, and the safety of our communities and families depends on it.”

The Hamas terrorist attacks come in the wake of numerous public reports involving the Biden Administration and Iran. Senator Brittrecently joined Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) and 28 of her Senate colleagues in sending a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin demanding a full accounting of actions taken by a senior Pentagon official who has close links to the Iranian government.

In addition, Senator Britt condemned the Biden Administration’s decision to allow Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to enter the United States in September. That followed Senator Britt joining a group of Republican colleagues in sending a letter reproaching President Raisi’s visit to the home of Asadollah Assadi, a convicted known terrorist. The letter expressed concern over President Raisi’s record of publicly tolerating terrorism and continued threats against American officials, and urged the Biden Administration to deny visas to President Raisi and his staff.

Senator Britt has been an outspoken critic of President Biden’s $6 billion ransom payment to the Iranian regime. Senator Britt, when the Administration formally notified Congress of the deal on September 11th, warned, “This irresponsible, weak appeasement sends a terrible message across the globe and only incentivizes further hostage taking in the future.” Today, countless Israeli hostages have been taken into Gaza by Iranian proxies.

Earlier this year, Senator Britt personally visited Israel during her first official overseas trip as a member of the United States Senate, meeting with some of the nation’s top political and military leaders and seeing firsthand the threat posed by Iranian-backed terrorists.


