Energy & Environment

In Alabama, the energy industry supports an estimated 124,000 jobs with an annual economic impact of over $8 billion. Senator Britt is proud of all Alabamians working in the energy sector and is committed to protecting and strengthening energy job opportunities for individuals and communities across our state. She will continue to work with her colleagues in the Senate to fight to make America not only energy independent, but energy dominant, while faithfully representing Alabama’s interests and values. A strong, resilient economy is quite literally fueled by American energy independence and dominance. She supports an all-of-the-above energy approach that prioritizes affordability, reliability and security.

Earlier this year, Senator Britt joined her colleagues in introducing the Unlocking Domestic LNG Potential Act following President Biden’s freezing of new LNG project permits. The legislation would eliminate the requirement for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to authorize the export of liquefied national gas (LNG) and instead give the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) sole authority over the approval process. She is also a cosponsor of the Protecting Our Wealth of Energy Resources (POWER) Act to prohibit the President or the Secretaries of the Interior, Agriculture, or Energy from blocking energy or mineral leasing and permitting on federal lands and waters without Congressional approval.

Supporting Alabama’s foresters is also incredibly important to Senator Britt. Alabama’s forests are one of the main reasons our state is known as “Alabama the Beautiful.” Alabama is home to over 23 million forestland acres, the third most in the continental United States. The people of Alabama are hard at work putting that land to good use. In fact, forestry, contributes to over 111,000 jobs in our state, leading to a total economic output of about $27.7 billion. Senator Britt knows that there are no greater stewards of our lands than our farmers, foresters, and cattlemen. It’s why over 91% of Alabama’s forest are privately owned, and the state still continues to add 2-2.5% of tree volume year over year.

Additionally, Senator Britt continues to stand up to the Biden Administration’s costly Green New Deal rulemaking policies. She has supported a Congressional Review Act (CRA) joint resolution of disapproval against a recent rule regarding an economically devastating nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions standards rule for heavy-duty vehicles, signed on to a letter to Secretary Granholm at the Department of Energy raising concerns about a proposed rule increasing efficiency standards on distribution transformers, and importantly challenged the Biden Administration’s Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule through a CRA, knowing that this overregulation would strangle Alabama farmers, cattlemen, manufacturers, energy producers, builders, landowners, and small businesses.

Senator Britt believes that Alabamians have tended to their own land, waterways, and resources for generations, and remain best positioned to preserve and utilize them for generations to come.
